JUST PLAY UPDATE I PNGFA Social Responsibility Division (Just Play) 6-12 years, sports for development program will commence its first program for 2025 in NCD region today.
Just Play Coordinator Sonia Embahe said the Just Play training for the Gender Equality Curriculum for 2025 start today and ends on March 10, 2025 at the Zion Zeal Christian School, Gerehu.

The 4-day training program covers Exploring Social Changes and Gender Indentity : Gender vs Sex on Day One, and on Day Two, it covers Gender Roles, Developing Positive Relationships and Setting Boundries and Day 3 will see Introducton of Child Protection Policy, Introduction to the Sports to Life Language and Power of Sports while Day 4 will Session demonstration, Monitoring and Evaluation while Day 5 will be the Particial Session – Putting things into Practice Practical.
Additionally, other regions such as Buka and Madang recently restarted in February 2025.

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